Friday, November 13, 2015

(MIS750) Personal Experience 2: GoodReader

GoodReader Logo

Hello readers,
In my previous post of “Personal Experience”, I had shared the Apple products that I used. You know what? Those Apple products are useless without applications that help us to do our tasks. So, in this entry I will sharing my experience of using a similar application just like in the Windows for transferring and storing files or document which is called GoodReader. This application was really convenient and help me out to do a lot of my tasks. Let’s we get to know of this apps (Especially to those that do not know about it).

What is GoodReader
GoodReader® is the super-robust PDF reader for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. With GoodReader on your iPad/iPhone, you can read virtually anything, anywhere: books, movies, maps, pictures. GoodReader not only supports massive PDF and TXT files, but also handles the most popular file types:
  1. MS Office - .doc, .ppt., .xls
  2. iWork
  3. HTML and Safari webarchives
  4. High resolution images
  5. ZIP and RAR archives
  6. Audio and video

How to use it?

After downloaded the apps, it will look like below:

GoodReader Icon

Inside look of the GoodReader

 We can create a folder to any document of files that we want to gather in 1 place. This apps also enable us to re-name the folder in our own accords.

Transferring files
Files and documents can be transfer into the ipad through GoodReader in 2 ways (as far that I know and used). I commonly use wifi transfer because it is very easy to do so. Usually, the files or document that I would like to transfer is from my laptop. So, I need to sync both device (Ipad and laptop) in the same network in order to establish the network for the transfer.

After that, we simply upload any files or document we want. That files will appear and stored in GoodReader for me to use.

 Linking to other supporting apps for editing
As you can see, GoodReader is an apps that enable user to “read” the files or documents that we store in it. For editing, we need to use another apps which is called “Keynotes” (Powerpoint in Windows), “Pages” (Words in Windows) and “Numbers” (Excell in Windows). I often used Keynotes in my teaching process. InsyaAllah, I will sharing to all of my reader about my experience in using Keynote in my next entry. Not to forget, musics and videos store in the GoodReader will be playing by using the application provide by Apple.

Phewww. Hope this simple with illustration "how-to-use" a GoodReader will help you guys out. See ya later!

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