Friday, November 27, 2015

(MIS750) Personal Experience 5.2: EDMODO Continue! (Part 2)

For registration process or how to start a new account, kindly please refer this post : (MIS750) Personal Experience 5: Ehb*do, Komodo...No..No..No! Its EDMODO!

This is the continuation of previous entry. In this entry, I will guide you guys how to create a quiz to your students.


For number 1, this is a menu for user to create their class section or maybe according to the course. Then all the classes will be listed as shown in number 2. While for number 3, it is a commonly used menu for the user.

 To create an online quiz, choose "Quiz" menu then click on "Create a Quiz".

In picture above, you will need to re-name the quiz instead of let it become untitled. Next set how long you want to do your quiz (The time will automatically decrease upon student start it). Add your question by specifically set the type of it. Please also tick on the 'Randomize questions" in order to avoid the same sequence of question appear on each of your students PC, laptop or pad.

This picture shown the type of question form to be entered. Everything will be set by the user him/herself.

After finished key-in all the desire question and answer as per our "Learning Outcomes", don't forget to preview your quiz (Preview: try to answer and see whether the allocation time is appropriate or not or if there is spelling error and so on).

Green circle in the picture above mean the question had been answered, while for the "caution" symbol mean that question had been skipped and not answer yet. Students can skip the question by click on " < " or " > " button if they want to proceed with the familiar question first.

This page show the marks that student get after completing their quiz. It will calculate in real time and the lecturer can show instantly to their students. Other than that, question breakdown enable lecturer to focus more on to the topic that their student seem to be weaken.

This picture shown overall marks off all students in the same section only. Those that still not answer will be not given any marks.

An icon that look like a bell is an alert menu for the user. From here lecturer knows whose already answered the quiz, the feedback from the students and not to forget the late comer as well.

Last but not least, a heartbeat icon is where the place that collected all the marks in every assessment. Lecturer/teacher can export into an excel format and proceed with the module marks for their students as easy like that.

Thats all.

Hope this tutorial will help u guys out there become more efficient and effective in doing your task that related to the teaching.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

(MIS750) Personal Experience 5.1: Ehb*do, Komodo...No..No..No! Its EDMODO!

Assalamualaikum. Salam sejahtera.

There is a heavy rain right now just ngam-ngam my off duty time.  Hurmm, why not im writing for the next entry of my MBA/MIS750 blog requirement while waiting for the rain to stop kan? 

This post were made specially for an EDUCATOR or TEACHER of LECTURER.

Have you ever faced with the situation where you felt like there are NO ENDING of your job or work in the office. Dealing with the students assignment, quizzes, project reports and so on. If YES, kindly please read all of my writing. This entry will help you a lot in your daily task!

I had been introduced a handful webpage called Edmodo (Click URL) by a very humble, resourceful and up-to-date senior colleague, Madam Zulaini. This method give a lot of authority for the teacher to enhance their assessment towards the student through a technology platform.

A little bit of it history. 

"Founded in Chicago, Illinois, when two school district employees set out to bridge the gap between how students live their lives and how they learn in school, Edmodo was created to bring education into a 21st century environment. Today, Edmodo is based in San Mateo, California. Thanks to those who guided and supported us in the beginning, we're now the number one K-12 social learning network in the world, dedicated to connecting all learners with the people and resources they need to reach their full potential."  (Source: click web)

So guys, after this onward, i'll share with all of you the process of account registration, class management, creating quizzes, marks distribution and some helpful advice or suggestions to enhance our teaching methods. More importantly, to look cool in front of your student and make your task faster than ever.


As a new user, just click on the "I'm a Teacher" to create account.

Enter your email and preferable password. Then click on "Sign up for Free".

Fill up *Required form. Choose your teaching "Grade" and "Subject Area". Dont forget to upload your profile picture. After that, proceed with the "Next Step" button

Just simply click on "Go to my Homepage" to complete our registration.

Upon your completion, you will be seeing below homepage.

Alright, for the quiz step-by-step tutorial, i will be posting in my next blog entry later. This post already consumed a lot of posting space :P

See Ya later!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

(MIS750) Personal Experience 4: How 2 use a Keynotes apps (Basic)

Hello reader,

What a hectic week with my ongoing responsibility as an educator at KUPTMKL. Grading student final, writing class performance reports, preparing files for auditors, managing my personal matters and so on.

Today entry not about the above statement ye. Just "membebeling" on this online diaries. huhu. The entry for this post is about "How 2 use a Keynotes apps as a beginner.

Keynote Apps
I already explained what is Keynote generally in my previous post. You guys can click here to read about it if necessary. This apps will cost you $14.99 (Approximately around RM65.00, today rates). If possible, you can buy this apps during its promotion or discounts session.

Getting Started
After had bought that apps, it will appear just exactly in STEP 1 picture. 

Figure 1: Step 1 - 4
To start, you need to click on the "+" for a blank slide

For this step, you will need to choose your preferences of theme for your slide.

After choosing your theme, the 1st slide will appear. usually this slide meant for the main topic or title that you want to present.

Figure 2: Step 5 - 8
To add your word or sentences, double tap on the selected space in the red square as shown above. 

After typed the sentences or words that you want, you can choose the font type and color. Suggestion: Choose font type and color that attract reader or audience during your presentation. Usually with the strong font color and thick font type.

Now, you can add any image or video from your Ipad collection to make  your presentation more interesting

To add more slide, just click on the menu below as shown in STEP 8 picture. Then, choose your slide layout.


Lastly, before finalize your slide presentation, you need to view it in presentation mode and check back whatever u had done and try to edit anything that looks not good

Image 1: Presentation view of Tutorial slide

Image 2: A more complicated slide (Example of my slideshow)

Alhamdulillah, completed my simple tutorial for using Keynote apps in your ipad. hopefully, this steps can guide you guys in a proper way how to use the apps.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

(MIS750) Personal Experience 3: Why Keynote not Powerpoint?

Source: Click Here

Dear reader,
I already mentioned in my previous post, this entry will be explain about my favorite slide show application called “Keynotes”. As an ex-Powerpoint hardcore user, I find that Keynote was not really user friendly compare to the apps provided by Windows. 

Then, during a leisure walk at Berjaya Times Square (BTS), I stumbled into a MPH bookstore. The first book that attract me was on the “New Arrival” rack, “The Presentation: Secrets of Steve Jobs”

Own Collection
Since that day after completing my reading, I deepen my research about “Keynotes” which lead me to search a Steve Job Presentation at The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). That moment it change my perspective toward Keynotes. By a little try-and-error with my ipad that I bought earlier 2012 (Please refer my entry about my 1st Apple products by clicking: here), finally I managed to use that application smoothly. 

Tutorial and self-learning
These are the video that guide me about Keynote:

Video 1 source link: 

Video 2 source link:

Video 3 source link:

These videos had encouraged me to learn how to use Keynotes on Ipad and i really satisfied with this self learning which teach me the lesson for free, of course. Overall in the video shown how powerful Keynotes for presentation, the functionality, interface and so on.

Differences of Keynotes and PowerPoint
Table below I enlisted the major differences of both apps on Ipad as i am using that Ipad in my class to teach my students. Not only it is light and it also really handy in my task execution.

Table 1 : Differences of both apps in Ipad

Alright, that's all for this post.
Stay tune for my next posting entitle: How 2 use a Keynotes apps (Basic)

Friday, November 13, 2015

(MIS750) Personal Experience 2: GoodReader

GoodReader Logo

Hello readers,
In my previous post of “Personal Experience”, I had shared the Apple products that I used. You know what? Those Apple products are useless without applications that help us to do our tasks. So, in this entry I will sharing my experience of using a similar application just like in the Windows for transferring and storing files or document which is called GoodReader. This application was really convenient and help me out to do a lot of my tasks. Let’s we get to know of this apps (Especially to those that do not know about it).

What is GoodReader
GoodReader® is the super-robust PDF reader for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. With GoodReader on your iPad/iPhone, you can read virtually anything, anywhere: books, movies, maps, pictures. GoodReader not only supports massive PDF and TXT files, but also handles the most popular file types:
  1. MS Office - .doc, .ppt., .xls
  2. iWork
  3. HTML and Safari webarchives
  4. High resolution images
  5. ZIP and RAR archives
  6. Audio and video

How to use it?

After downloaded the apps, it will look like below:

GoodReader Icon

Inside look of the GoodReader

 We can create a folder to any document of files that we want to gather in 1 place. This apps also enable us to re-name the folder in our own accords.

Transferring files
Files and documents can be transfer into the ipad through GoodReader in 2 ways (as far that I know and used). I commonly use wifi transfer because it is very easy to do so. Usually, the files or document that I would like to transfer is from my laptop. So, I need to sync both device (Ipad and laptop) in the same network in order to establish the network for the transfer.

After that, we simply upload any files or document we want. That files will appear and stored in GoodReader for me to use.

 Linking to other supporting apps for editing
As you can see, GoodReader is an apps that enable user to “read” the files or documents that we store in it. For editing, we need to use another apps which is called “Keynotes” (Powerpoint in Windows), “Pages” (Words in Windows) and “Numbers” (Excell in Windows). I often used Keynotes in my teaching process. InsyaAllah, I will sharing to all of my reader about my experience in using Keynote in my next entry. Not to forget, musics and videos store in the GoodReader will be playing by using the application provide by Apple.

Phewww. Hope this simple with illustration "how-to-use" a GoodReader will help you guys out. See ya later!

(MIS750) Personal Experience: Iphone + Ipad

Assalamualaikum dear all reader,

It’s been a while since I logged in my blogspot account. At last, my course of MIS750 (UiTM Master) brought me here again. Guess what, in this entry, I would like to share my personal little experience in IT and technology related stuffs.

I am an 80’s generation but quite late to discover or catch up with the technologies where all of my friends already know and used. Eventually, due to the necessity, im changed!

2012, the year that I have my 1st Iphone and Ipad. 

What is that?

An Internet-enabled smartphone developed by Apple. The iPhone combines mobile phone capabilities with a wireless Internet device and an iPod into one product. The iPhone also includes a 3.5-inch multi-touch screen (4-inch Retina Display on the iPhone 5), rather than a keyboard, that can be manipulated by users with by two finger touches. The iPhone runs on a special version of Apple's Mac OS X operating system.
*Source: Vangie Beal, -

A new handheld tablet computing device from Apple Inc. that first launched in January 2010. The iPad is designed for consumers who want a mobile device that is bigger than a smartphone but smaller than a laptop for entertainment multimedia. The iPad device is roughly the size of a sheet of paper and weighs 1.5 pounds. iPads run the Apple iOS, a mobile operating system.

What are the differences between Iphone with Sony Xperia Ray?


Difficulties that faced by me during Iphone and ipad first used?
  1. Apps need to purchase using credit card (that time don’t have any)
  2. Storage are limited
  3. Imessage not everybody can use. Only an apple user
  4. Very sensitive screen and body part

Advantages of using Iphone and Ipad.
  1. User friendly
  2. easier to bring anywhere
  3. surfing internet faster
  4. And many other advantages.


The uses of these 2 products of Apple had make me realize that there is other mean of teaching method that can attract young generation in class. Personally, I bought an Iphone and Ipad not just for a show off, to message or call and surfing internet etc, i can see from that products, it can help me in my daily life whether in teaching process, personal used, gathering information, capturing best moment in my life and many others.

My Gallery

My special thanks to:
  1. Mr Azrul Abd Ghani
  2. Mr Muhammad Maarof
Note: This 2 guys (Colleagues) introduce to me Apple product and teach me how to use it.