Monday, October 28, 2013

Training & Development course in ONE entry

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  As usual, it start with a boring slide presentation about what is training lah, development lah, training method lah and lots of other bored contents. After mid-term, the mood changed significantly when students are given with “Roleplay” assignment as their Final Presentation. From here on, everyone start off focusing to give their very best and to prove that they can do it.

What make this task very meaningful to me are:
  1. It changes me. I meant my expectation
  2. It changes my students. Not all aspects but enough to realize that they were changed positively.
  3. Real-life situation for students and me. Faced with various issues but able to overcome it eventually.
  4. Roller coaster emotion in every person. There are sad, happy, angry, depress and other unforgotten emotional moments.
  5. Success was made by failure. Failed was common situation that the students need to learn because from that they find any suitable strategy “ to break the glass ceiling”.
  6. Friends were family. That task could not do by 1 person; it requires all of the students. Slowly, student begins to act like a family instead of a foe or an unknown entity.
  7. Sacrifices for satisfaction. Learned to sacrifice times, moneys, egos and other to achieve final goal.
  8. POLC execution. In this task student also learned to plan well, organizing the task by delegating them, leading the group member by form committees to help project leader and control the team members, situation and tasks to make sure everything going smoothly.
  9. Leadership vs. Friendship. Sometime friendship need to pause for a while and start focusing to leadership role in group. By this, it not mean that one’s should forget their friend but give time and respect other people.
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At the end of this activity usually make me proud to teach this subject. Such a beautiful scene seeing the youth peoples like them (students) gather everything they had to complete their task beautifully even though it’s not nearly perfect, but still, great. Students finally understand that they do not learn some bulls@*# knowledge but all the knowledge that they learned were used in their role-play task.

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All of these precious moments could not end perfectly without a very understanding and cooperative colleagues; Miss Hidayah, Madam Ikien, Mr Saofiean and Mr Ikram. Not to forget our lovely subject leader (on maternity leave) Madam Iswana.

Thats all.



Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Photography - Insta Fever (Batch 3 - October 2013)

In this post, i just share the photos that i'd post on Instagram account. The purpose of this sharing is to show the page reader about my interest photography and scenery views. Enjoy! (Continue...)

Ampang, Selangor (Early Morning)

Kampung Bujang, Kedah

Kampung Bujang, Kedah

Ampang, Selangor

Ampang, Selangor

Monday, October 21, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Words (Come out of blue)

When there are no other ways to go forth
Make your own path.

Ones that find himself in difficulty or harsh situation
Think others that never find themselves in what situation they in.

Pain is gain
Gain also a pain.

We see the problems as a problem
Some people see it as an opportunity

We often casually said “Oh I’m hungry”
We seldom said “Oh Thank you Lord”

Loves always make ones heart blossoms.
Love also kills many people silently, with its hidden poison.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Photography - Insta Fever (Batch 2 - April 2013)

In this post, i just share the photos that i'd post on Instagram account. The purpose of this sharing is to show the page reader about my interest photography and scenery views. Enjoy! (Continue...)

Pangkor Island, Perak

Ampang, Selangor

Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dicson, Negeri Sembilan

Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dicson, Negeri Sembilan

Ampang, Selangor

Friday, October 18, 2013

Kelebihan Menuntut Ilmu

Gambar Hiasan
Nabi Muhammad (saw) bersabda: "Mereka yang melangkah di jalan pencarian ilmu, Allah akan membawanya terus ke jalan syurga. Sesungguhnya, para Malaikat merasa gembira menebarkan sayap mereka untuk menaungi para pencari ilmu, bahkan seluruh makhluk termasuk ikan di laut memohon keampunan buat para pencari ilmu. Kedudukan orang yang alim ke atas orang yang 'abid (ahli ibadah) adalah seperti kelebihan bulan purnama ke atas bintang-bintang pada malam bulan purnama. Para ulama' adalah pewaris para Anbiya' kerana para Anbiya tidak meninggalkan kekayaan tetapi ilmu pengetahuan. Maka beruntunglah mereka yang menelusuri di jalan ini."
(al-Kulaini,al-Kafi,Jilid:1,kitab fadl al-'ilmi,hadith:1)

Jangan malas BELAJAR yek! ILMU adalah salah satu senjata kaum Muslimin

Photography - Insta Fever (Batch 1 - December 2012 - March 2013)

In this post, i just share the photos that i'd post on Instagram account. The purpose of this sharing is to show the page reader about my interest photography and scenery views. Enjoy!
KLCC, Kuala Lumpur


Ampang, Selangor

Kampung Pandan, Kuala Lumpur

Cempaka, Pandan Indah, Selangor

Nikah Muda Ke Tua?

Untuk sesiapa yang ingin menjadi dan telah menjadi serta bakal menjadi yang halal buat pasangannya.

Gambar Hiasan
Nikah Muda Ke Tua?
Pernikahan Rasulullah sebagai contoh:

Dengan Siti Khadijah
Rasulullah berusia 25 tahun manakala Siti Khadijah berusia 40 tahun.

Dengan Siti Aisyah
Rasulullah berusia 52 tahun manakala Aisyah berusia di antara 19-20 tahun.


Tua atau muda suami dan isteri kita itu tidak ada salahnya. Kahwinilah atas dasar iman, akhlak, nasab keturunan, harta dan paras rupa mereka yang menurut agama kita adalah yang sebaik-baiknya :)

riwayat (Hisham bin Urwah) yang mengatakan bahawa Aisyah berkahwin dengan Rasulullah ketika berusia 6 tahun tidak benar dan bertentangan dengan riwayat-riwayat lain

Artikel Penuh berkenaan Usia Aisyah ketika menikahi Rasulullah:
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd

Thursday, October 17, 2013

A new kickstart!

Yippeee Ya Yeay!

Finally, despite of busy with my works all the time, Im able to post something not only in a blog but my NEW BLOG!